

2019/11/13[WED] ~ 16[SUN]
Toshi Center Hotel Tokyo
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What’s New


TAFISA is The Association For International Sport for All headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany with more than 350 member organisations in 170 countries and regions worldwide.

Once every two years, participants from Sport for All organisations and related organisations, etc. hold the TAFISA World Congress as an international convention for promoting the Sport for All philosophy and physical activity through a programme including keynote addresses and discussions.

In 2019, for the first time in history, TAFISA joins forces with the Smart Cities and Sport for a unique joint event programme on November 14th between the TAFISA World Congress (November 13-17) and the Smart Cities and Sport Summit (November 12-14).


Prof. Dr. Ju-Ho Chang
President, TAFISA

Prof. Dr. Ju-Ho Chang President, TAFISA

On behalf of the TAFISA Board of Directors and the entire TAFISA family, it is my great privilege to invite the world to come to the 26th TAFISA World Congress in Tokyo, Japan, the world’s largest metropolis.

Under the Congress theme “Sport for All though Tradition and Innovation”, the Congress will provide a unique platform for discussion and cooperation, bringing together stakeholders from many fields, from Sport for All organisations to sports ministries, international federations, grassroots associations and global NGOs among others.

It is my pleasure to announce that for the first time in history, this Congress will include a joint event with the World Union of Olympic Cities' Smart Cities and Sport Summit.

I am looking forward to the 26th TAFISA World Congress and invite you to join us in Tokyo on November 13-17, 2019, for a better world through Sport for All!

Masatoshi Ito
President, the Organising Committee of the 26 th TAFISA WORLD CONGRESS

Masatoshi Ito President, the Organising Committee of the 26 th TAFISA WORLD CONGRESS

Linking the legacy of mega sporting events such as the 2019 Rugby World Cup, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai being held in succession in Japan to enriching people’s lives and resolving social issues is a great challenge faced by Japan and an important theme gathering interest from countries around the globe.

The 26th TAFISA World Congress Tokyo 2019 will provide an opportunity for people from all over the world to gather together based on the Sport for All principle to share and create ideas aimed at the realisation of a “Lifelong Sport Society” enabling people to enjoy sport in their everyday throughout their entire lifetime through discussion and the presentation of case studies.

I look forward to your participation.



Congress Partner

Supported by

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Congress Sponsors